Nourishing Noggins, founded in 2009, is a nonprofit all-volunteer organization providing food and other basic necessities to students in need at Mills Park Elementary. We provide them bags filled with nutritious food that they take home each weekend over the school year. By addressing the fundamental issue of hunger, our hope is these children can then more fully participate and learn in school.
In 2011, we expanded our services to provide optional tutoring/mentoring for our participants. We also provide boxes of food and hygiene items for each family over the winter holiday break and the long summer break.
In 2013, we partnered with 519 Church and helped their enthusiastic and dedicated team of volunteers to expand the program to additional schools. They started NN programs at Highcroft Elementary, Carpenter Elementary and Moncure Elementary (Chatham Co) and they quickly grew so much that they now have their own wonderful organization called "Feed the Kids".
In 2015/16, we provided support to Kingswood Elementary and Alston Ridge Elementary to start up their own weekend food programs. Kingswood named their program "Feeding Friends" and they have become a role model for us!
In 2017/18, we added the new Horton's Creek Elementary to our program and served over 35 families this year between our two schools.
In 2018/19, we served over 25 Mills Park Elementary families with weekly food bags and provided large food/necessities boxes during the summer/winter breaks.
Would you like to partner with us too? For information on how to provide these services at your school, please click the button below to contact us. Our group of volunteers is only large enough to fully support Mills Park Elementary, but we would LOVE to share our procedures and lessons learned to help you start up a new branch at your school. It's a pretty straightforward process and very doable with some positive energy and a little flexibility!
If you have a child that goes to Mills Park Elementary and you think your family could benefit from these services, please see the Need Help? page.